I was saying this looking at all the outrage on socials last week. Ok, he won - it sucks but it is what it is. Are y'all really going to sit in the corner and pout for the next four years or do something actually productive.
I agree. I'm back in school working on a master's degree and it it's not part of my coursework I'm not going to stress over it. I'm really worried about them overturning Obergefell v. Hodges on its tenth anniversary this June. That's what's on my mind right now.
No one should have to convince you to get out and vote if you live in this country. The policies that an administration enacts affect us all. There’s no escaping that.
I couldn’t agree more. It’s time to preserve and hone our rage for efficiency. So glad to subscribe to you ❤️
I was saying this looking at all the outrage on socials last week. Ok, he won - it sucks but it is what it is. Are y'all really going to sit in the corner and pout for the next four years or do something actually productive.
I agree. I'm back in school working on a master's degree and it it's not part of my coursework I'm not going to stress over it. I'm really worried about them overturning Obergefell v. Hodges on its tenth anniversary this June. That's what's on my mind right now.
Thank you for this Kim, I really needed to hear it!
No one should have to convince you to get out and vote if you live in this country. The policies that an administration enacts affect us all. There’s no escaping that.
You can continue to say this or contend with the reality that some people must be persuaded.