I cant follow conservative thinking because all their advice seems to boil down to “make good decisions and everything will be fine”….like wow what an astute observation! It’s like saying “to have more money, you need to make more money”. Well no shit, Sherlock! Tell us something we don’t know. Their advice never takes into account or minimizes barriers people face in making “good decisions” (they don’t account for context or individual variables), and won’t even acknowledge that many things are beyond individuals’ control. They ignore history and have this simplistic “if one person can do it then anyone can” mentality.

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Good thoughts Kim

Yes brains reflect absolutely unique, individual ecosystems and this notion of trauma politics is absolutely spot on in my view

I have seen more than one extensive analysis of Chief Justice Thomas as forming his "conservative" views in exactly this way.

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It's interesting, I really like Rob and his substack and have his book in my queue to read. I grew up similarly to him, although I was not in foster care, I lost my mom early on and my father was never there. Nevertheless, I got a good education and have a good job now.

It's interesting because I feel the opposite! I used to be progressive but as my faith in God strengthened, I would consider myself to be socially conservative in most areas. I don't think he is saying that one size fits all but the research shows that a nuclear family, a loving family, a safe home are the best predictors of outcomes.

Also, him choosing to not have a relationship with his addicted and abusive mother is not "lack of empathy," it's common sense. Why is there a fixation on the progressive side to empathize with blatantly abusive people? Why should he? It's not nuance, it's just reality.

I don't understand why advocating for traditional values means "lack of empathy." I don't get how conservative values gets coded as evil, when it is way worse for kids to grow up in broken homes with abusive parents.

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